A Sensible Child

Cal smiling sensibly
The first time David's mum held Cal she proclaimed that he looked like, "a very Sensible Child," which cracked us up. The kid was still 5 weeks away from being fully baked and some might argue that showing up so early wasn't the most sensible thing to do. But with all her mothering experience she must have recognized something in him, because he now (very sensibly) likes to eat and sleep at the same times every day, he hardly cries and does everything that the baby books say a 3.5 month old should be doing. So far we think this parenting thing has been pretty smooth sailing. Which of course makes me nervous. I already hear the choirs of, 'yeah but just you wait,' until he starts eating solids, or you go back to work, or he's teething, or he's old enough to climb out of his crib, or put things in his mouth like cigarettes and jugs of beer etc etc. Cal darling, please stay sensible forever, it's just so nice.
Cal, April 2012


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