Wedding Stuff - Rings

This afternoon we rolled on over to Lyppens, the antique jewelry store in Amsterdam, to look for a wedding band for David (I plan on wearing my engagement ring as my wedding ring). We found a lovely classic gold band which we both liked, but as we were about to pay for it I caught David's not-so-sure look and we decided to think it over for a bit. I'd love it if he wore a wedding band, but I'm not dead-set on it, especially if it makes him feel like he's "in drag, or wearing ladies' underwear" which he said it did every time he looked down at his hand. He doesn't even wear a watch, so the idea of jewelry is pretty foreign to him. 

We toddled down the road to Brassserie Harkema to think about it over a drink, which turned into dinner and we came up with the idea of buying him a cheap ring from the market as an experiment to see if he could get used to it before we shelled out for the real deal. Then, as we walked out of the restaurant David looked down and there on the ground was a little gold ring (from a key chain perhaps??) in the perfect size for his ring-finger. Whaaat??!! So now he's wearing it around, and I think it's already growing on him!
Thinking it over at Harkema
Brasserie Harkema

The real deal from Lyppens
David's "training ring" that he found on the ground


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