Back To It, Then

Last week was my first week back in the office and away from Cal. Five long days where I saw him for just 1 hour in the morning and 1 hour at night. That's like an hour and a half after you've been to the loo. It's barely even enough time to get pureed pear on you. And to make matters worse at 1am on the Sunday night, the Monday before I began work, he developed a raging fever of 38.5, his first ever. Of course. Thankfully he has top-class daddy and oma who doted on him all week and sent me photo updates on the hour, every hour, which is a service that all creches and babysitters should provide, I reckon. Ha.

It's been fun being back at work with my old work buddies. Doing my old job, but this time as a freelancer is a hoot. Another meeting - sure! Another change of brief? Why not! Office politics? How amusing :) This job is set to last for another few weeks, putting some serious credit in my mama-time coffers. It's something I have to keep reminding myself of when several times a day I get that whole-body ache for him. Baby Cal...with your disproportionately large cheeks, milky white back and bald spot, how I miss you!

Being away from him, if only to earn more money so that I can be with him, feels like the biggest sacrifice I've ever made. I have to keep narrating to myself how awesome it is that I can work for a stint and then have a bit of time off again to spend with him, unlike many of my friends who've had to go back full-time. So I'm going to make a conscientious effort not to moon about like a teenager when I'm not with him. And on the up-side I've loved that David has had a chance to be a full-time daddy all week and that Cal seems independent and chilled enough to be cool with it all.
A visit to the doctor with Daddy. 8.2kgs at 7months (with socks on).


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