Sayonara Boobies

Last week Cal weaned himself. The weather in Amsterdam was hot and he decided that cold milk from a bottle was preferable to being squashed into mum's warm chest. He's also quite the little busy-body now and likes to keep an eye on what's happening in the room while he drinks, which is also easier with a bottle. So just like that he started refusing the boobies, but don't hate me, because until up to a month ago he wouldn't have a bar of it and screamed if he even saw the bottle, which meant he was exclusively breast-fed for 6 months, which was pretty intense. I'm still able to breast-feed him for his 2am feed as he's too sleepy to know the difference and I hope to keep this up for another few months, but maaaaaaan, does it feel good to be able to go out for a few hours on my own and wear tops and dresses that aren't all about easy-booby-access. This morning I had a work meeting for a few hours and David stayed home to mind Cal and I really had a sense of being back to my old self again, but with the enormous bonus of having this beautiful new person in our life that will always be with us. Feels good.
Cal, July, 2012


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