He's Back!

Every single time Cal gets sick and Cutie-Cal is kidnapped and stolen away to be replaced with Crappy-Cal, I worry that this is it. That this time it's for good. That this tooth or cold or virus is the one that will mark the beginning of The Change in his personality and that we'll look back and say, remember when Cal was a sweetie, before all the crying and constant gritching? It's not that I'm not sympathetic to his complaints, I know it's hard to be a baby human being, but when he's sick the transformation of his personality always seems so intense and complete. And then it just floors me every time he wakes up a day or two later with a smile and eats his breakfast quietly before playing happily on the floor with his toys. I could cry with happiness that our delicious Calzone Macaroni has been returned to us.
The only kid in the history of human kind who likes brushing his teeth


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