Artis Zoo in the Rain

It's cold and wet and Cal's sick again, but unlike yesterday when we stayed home 'warm and dry' and almost went postal, today we got our wet weather gear on and got out amongst it. First stop the Dam square to see the Mega Christmas Tree. We got there at about 9.20am (such is the special torture of parenting), but no tree, just a bunch of wet tourists lurking about on the empty square. We continued on to the zoo.

At the zoo we saw what animals do when it's cold and wet. It's fascinating. They go inside and stay warm and dry. They really are just like us. Like some of us. 

Even the goats who generally don't give a buck about rain were under cover. Although for one gnarly old billy our map of Artis was worth getting wet for.

We continued on (through a hail storm) to the penguin enclosure. The penguins are usually a huge disappointment for me. They stand statue-still with their backs against the wall of the enclosure, as far from the knee-high rail (and hoards of screaming children) as possible. But not today - left alone in the rain those penguins were getting down. It was party time for Pingu. They splashed and dived and sailed past us, waving their wings like royalty. It was like lights out in the nursery when all the toys come alive. But no pics to prove it sorry, it really was hailing. Onto the underwater sea-lion area and butterfly garden both of which are indoor and perfect for wet weather. It's lovely and steamy in the butterfly garden. Don't you love how my lens fogged up and Cal looks so romantic?

And then back home to try our hand at warm and dry again. So far so good. Happy Sunday people.


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