Cal Can Scoot

Yesterday Cal got the hang of pulling himself up onto the couch - I swear he grew 2 cms in the last week, he used to be able to stand under the table and now bumps his head - and the extra height has made pulling himself up much easier for him. Which at first was terrifying. We thought we were looking at weeks of standing up and toppling over, but today he seems to have found his balance, enough that he can even take a few steps to the right and left and even around the corner of the couch (that's 'scooting' in baby terminology). 

He of course is totally pleased with himself and we're pretty chuffed too. It all happened so quickly. Or as though he's been practicing in secret and waited for the perfect moment to perform his new trick. I can't wait to see what he figures out tomorrow. At this rate he'll be unicycling next month. Or perhaps just biking, because let's be honest guys on unicycles however skilled, are kind of creepy. But whatever he wants. I'm that guy's mum and tonight it feels like we're the first people to ever have seen their kid walk for the first time and what a trip it is. Cal darling, oh the places you'll go...
And he's...
I'm sure less neurotic people than me have ordered these things from amazon..but I won't


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