First "Emma-Cut"

I was always gonna be the kind of mother that cuts her kid's hair rather than forking out 40 euros to have them sit on an elephant at the fancy children's barber. It's not just that I'm cheap, it's that I was meant to be a hairdresser, not a copywriter. 

Just ask my husband or any of my friends/ ex-boyfriends. They've all been subject to my hair dressing role-play at some point or another. That Cal's hair is wild and curly, is an absolute bonus. Curly hair is the easiest to cut. You just twist a curl and then razor it with a pair of scissors. With curly hair you never have to worry about straight lines.

So after Cal finished his cereal the other day I whipped out the nail scissors and began to curl-and-razor away while he watched Fireman Sam. He let me do about 4 pieces before he started slapping me. I didn't even have time to ask him if he'd been on any nice vacations this year, or seen any good films.


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