Sick - The Ear Infection Episode

So that just happened. In both ears, no less. I'll spare you the play by play, but suffice to say it was a doozie that required a night in hospital and full week of pretty stressful days and nights for all three of us.

The little guy is recovering slowly but surely. He's skinny and pale. He's developed an unholy reliance on Youtube episodes of Fireman Sam. He'll probably never talk to blonde women in scrubs ever again, but other than that there's not too much permanent damage, we hope.

The night in hospital was a major downer. It was my first experience of soul-crushing helplessness that I'm sure all parents experience when faced with their child's pain. I would have swallowed knives to make it go away.

That said, today I inflicted another dose of pain upon the poor guy by trying to coax him back into his own bed for his nap. He's been sleeping with me in our bed, with David on the couch. I miss the feel of my husband in bed next to me at night. Cal screamed murder for 15 minutes and then ended up back in our bed, asleep instantly. I think he actually doesn't mind whether I'm next to him, or not. He just prefers a double bed.
The Survivor, August 2013


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