Dutch Autumn in Amsterdam and Words, No Pictures.

I've got a day off. I'm at home with David. Cal's at kindy. It's raining. Sometimes life hands you gold nuggets. Or, what's the opposite of lemons? Macarons, probably.

For the past two weeks we've had "Sydney Autumn." Crisp days with long golden afternoons. The trees are turning red from their outer leaves in. Like truckies with arms sun-burned from driving. But today "Dutch Autumn" has begun. Steady rain that makes the brown water shift queasily about in the canals.

Looking down onto the wet grass outside, burnt in places by dogpiss, I can see one of those enormous Sea-seagulls. The type that look out of place in urban areas. He's stamping his feet on the ground trying to coax a worm up to the surface. It's funny to watch - like he's dancing, or needs to go to the bathroom. And across the canal there are a pair of muddy brown teenage swans. As teenagers are want to do, they've found a semi-submerged boat beneath a tree and are sulking there moodily.

I'm so happy to be back here in my spot. The heater on beside me, David on the other side of it plugged into a podcast, doing his post.

No photos today. The camera is in the shop.


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