The Music Class

Cal had his first music class on Saturday. He kind of liked it. He liked it when Fanny the teacher put the music on and the kids got to hold scarves over their heads or smack spoons on the floor. He didn't like having to sit in a circle for 45 minutes, or not be allowed out of the room. Twice he bought his shoes over to me and said, "Out." 

Flashback to 1987. It's 4.30pm and Simon is hiding under the house to avoid his music lesson..

I liked it when Fanny showed him how to bow her cello. Cal was excited to hear it boom like and elephant and buzz like a bee. It was also good when the kid next to us threw a tantrum and it took the heat off Cal who was doing excited laps around the circle of more well behaved kids. I also like having something to get up and do with him first thing on a Saturday, which can be tough on a grey winter's morning.

Next week I'll see if I can convince David to come and take some snaps.


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