Flying Solo

Cal and I are three days into our month without David who's back in Amsterdam for a shoot. We're doing pretty ok as we found our groove last time he went away, which was just two months ago. 

Even though this trip is much longer it's a lot less scary as we kind of know our rhythm now. And also Netflix. I resisted for a while, but broke last week after listening to the millionth theme song of Paw Patrol, which was one of the shows on heavy rotation on Cal's i-Pad. So he has something new to watch while I cook, and I have crappy romcoms before bed. And of course we're not really alone with Mum and Grandma at the bottom of the garden.
Asleep on AnneMa on the train on the way home from the city
Three sleeps down..
Flummoxed by what to do with excess celery I let Cal have it for a forest

Sharing his chips with a kindy friend after swimming


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