Happy Place

It is raining for England here today. And cold, 16 degrees. And windy. But yesterday was perfection. After our swim lesson and cookie baking session we drove down to Brooklyn to play on the beach - and had the whole place to ourselves, except for an older couple (late 50s?) who I've seen there before. These two are clearly in their courtship and absolutely killing it. They're both kind of sunburned and out of shape but are just loving life. Every time I see them they're half naked on the grass at the baths, surrounded by throw pillows and champagne. Just laughing all afternoon. It makes me smile. They're people of my heart and share my current happy place. All that was missing was my other guy.
Brooklyn baths all to ourselves
Sunny selfie - still such warmth in the golden hour/s
I love how cool he feels in a baseball cap 
The 'prolonged independent' sand play they promised me has arrived


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