Stella Is 5 And A Half Months!

Whoops. Second kid. No time for blog updates. I'm going to try and be much better. Because I do love this place and the history it holds from the past 7 years of parenting. Worth it, I reckon.
What can I write about Stella? Who is this little person who came to live with us almost half a year ago? She's our joy. David's, Cal's and mine. A quite-fussy newborn who wanted to be held constantly has turned into a very friendly, smiley and relaxed little baby who is a goddamn delight to be around. 

She eats and sleeps very well. Most of the time. As babies do. Is currently consumed with grabbing everything and staring at it like she's trying to set it on fire with her eyes. Her face broadens to a grin when either David or Cal come into focus, enthralled at what silly noise they might make next. She falls asleep to the sound of us corralling Cal loudly into bed, no creeping silently around with this one, I'm afraid. And actually she probably sleeps better for it.

She goes to creche 5 days a week. '5 DAYS A WEEK?' everyone exclaims like we've sent her to the workhouse. Yes, 5 days a week she's snuggled, shuggled, walked, sung to and entertained by a room full of loving ladies and funny babies her age. When we pick her up she's fed, rested and incredibly happy. It's been a game-changer for our family, our relationship, our work and my sanity. 

Stella's been on her first holiday to Croatia and it went pretty well. I remember our first trip with Cal, I left my leather jacket and laptop on the plane in my new-parent confuzzlement. This time, the flight was fine and I don't think we misplaced anything too serious. I guess we're just much better at it second time around. Second time around feels better. With everything in life, I find. The first time is fun and wacky, but second time offers all the joy, with less of the anxiety.

Sweet Stella, I'm so glad you chose us. You've made us all so happy.


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