Stella is 1!

Our sweet Stella turned one on January 2nd, and we celebrated with the family in Malaysia on our last night in Langkawi. Some years feel long, and others short, but this one felt the exact measure of a year. I think having experienced the remarkable timeline of Cal's first year definitely prepared us for this past one. From the newborn days, through sitting and crawling, to now almost walking and talking - we knew a little more about what was coming, and could probably enjoy it more easily.

Well, that's how I am anyway. I've loved watching Stella reach the milestones that I know she will in her own time. And I've been far more easygoing with the difficult phases, really knowing that they're just that. So we end one year and begin the next with this delightful little person at the precipice of her toddler days. She has been scooting comfortably around the couch for a while now, but this week has begun to make the thrilling steps between people or two chairs.

Her words are Ball, Hebben (have), Ca (Cal) and Mama (occasionally). She's not a fussy eater and is becoming a better sleeper. She loves reading books and starts heavy-breathing excitedly when we even suggest a story. She gets Mad, like fully body angry, with clenched fists and grinding jaw...eeek... terrified to see where this is going! And she laughs and laughs and laughs at Cal. Everything untoward that gets an eyeroll from David and I gets a full endorsement from his greatest little fan.

Sweet Stella, we've loved this year with you and are so excited for every wonderful year to come. Thanks for choo-choo-choosing us. We love you so much.


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