Stella at 2 and 3 months

There is so much growing going on. All of a sudden language has arrived for Stella, after a difficult month of tantrums and sleep regression. We were all at our wits end there for a bit, but happily she's turned a corner. Here are a few things she's up to these days..

Stella can now say lots more words in both English and Dutch, and is starting to put 2 words together to make her point. Mama eat, Baba eat, Teya (Stella) eat. One owie, two owie (as she counts her scraped knees).

She's also very interested in figuring out the potty. She loves the praise and fuss made of a successful attempt.

She continues to berate Cal and deny him any access to parental affection.

She can drop-in on the skate ramps down the street with frightening confidence.

She loves her Kindy and happily waves bye-bye when we drop her in the mornings. She goes 5 days at the moment, but will drop back to 4 during summer so we can have more outdoors time with her.

She hates wearing clothes. She rips them off as soon as she gets in the door, and we have to wait until we're all ready in the morning to dress her in case she undresses herself again while we're getting our coats on. If she needs help getting an item of clothing off she moans, "Why, why!" It took me a while to figure this one out. But finally I realised that she thinks the phrase for "getting undressed" is 'why, why, why?" as that's what Mama says to her every time she wants to take all her clothes off on a freezing cold Dutch day... Why? Why? Why would anyone want to be undressed in 7 degrees??"

Her favorite foods are mango, prunes, bananas, pasta and milkshakes.

She loves tractors, dolls, teddies and dress-ups.

She loves to be wrapped in a towel and cradled like a baby while we sing a song about how Stella is a beautiful baby. David calls it her "regression session" and it's equal parts hysterical and blissful for everyone involved.


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